Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt On the Farm

First of all, I would like to say happy birthday to my beautiful baby girl Hope, who turned 8 today. Second, Kristin and Kaile had their Easter egg hunt for school this morning, it was on a farm. It was rather chilly, but oh so much fun. Here are a few pictures I took. 

My Kaile. Isn't she cute? I love her so very much.

My Kristin, my youngest. She is my mini me, brown eyes and all.  I learn something new everyday by watching her. I love her.

Here we have the Bowle's Farm mascot. Isn't he adorable? He has the most important job on the farm.

I almost walked right past this pig. I know what you are thinking, how could I miss an enormous pig? He would just lay on the ground and eat and grunt. Which is exactly what pigs do.

Here is one of the deer on Bowle's Farm. He reminded me of Spring.

These goats were so friendly, they tried to eat my jacket a few times. They  also  had just had  their horns removed.

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