Sunday, November 25, 2012

French Toast Souffle + Day 23 24 25 Of Thanks

I expected to slow down a bit after Thanksgiving was over, boy was I wrong. It seems like we are busier than ever. We spent Friday morning shopping and running around Dallas. It was fun, but exhausting. Saturday we spent our day in town shopping, again. After the last few days, I was ready for a slow, lazy Sunday. To start off the morning I made french toast souffle. It is super easy and super good. I made this last night, then baked it this morning. How easy is that? I love anything that can be made in advance.

Our morning started off slow and lazy, but our afternoon became so busy. Again. My husband started working on our new laundry room to make room for my new pantry. Woo hoo for my new pantry space. It is long overdue. Then we had Sunday dinner and my aunt requested a chocolate pie. So at 7pm tonight a chocolate pie was made. She enjoyed it thoroughly so it was worth it. Finally I am sitting down long enough to write a blog post, then off to bed I go. Goodnight everyone.

Day 23

I am thankful for a very silly thing...........Starbucks. Today a dear friend came over and she brought me my usual from Starbucks. The grande white chocolate mocha was the pick me up I needed after such a busy weekend.

Day 24

I am thankful for the internet. It makes Christmas shopping so much easier.

Day 25

I am thankful for being able to give back to others in need. What good is what you have if you cannot share or give it to others.

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