Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Life Lessons (Turning 30)

Well in just a few short weeks I will be turning thirty....yep the big 30! I can remember turning twenty and thinking thirty was so far away....like I had so much time. Well come to find out it wasn't much time at all. The last ten years have gone by so quickly. Most of the women I know have dreaded the 30th birthday, I however intend to embrace it. Turning another year older is a privilege denied to so many people, so I will consider myself one of the lucky ones. My twenties have been filled with so many memories, both good and bad. I intend for my thirties to be even better! Here are a few things I have learned, some are comical...some wise....some sad. 

I  will never have double D breasts, unless I buy them, and well I like Potterybarn way too much to save the money for those so I have learned to embrace my B size breasts. 

I am the biggest influence in my daughters' lives. They watch my every move and listen to every word so I have learned to not focus so much on the issues I have with my body. I want those to be my issues, not theirs. I don't want my 6, 7, and 9 year olds thinking they have a weight problem because mommy thinks she does. I want my girls to have a positive body image. I am so much more comfortable in my own skin than I was ten years ago. That feels good! 

I can't please everyone so I just aim to please the people that matter most to me. 

I can't make everyone like me, what matters most is that I like me. 

Everyone has a story to tell. 

A few kind words go a long way. 

Don't sweat the small things. 

Do what you love and love what you do....it really does make a difference. 

Protect my skin and take care of my body....I am not invincible.  

Travel as much as possible.

Take chances and make mistakes....you are only given one life. 

Everything that has happened has made me who I am, both good and bad. 

I will never be an extreme couponer or a penny pincher. My ADHD will not allow me to sit down at a table for hours clipping coupons and I am a spender. If you give me a dollar I will find a way to spend it. I admire the savers. It's a really good thing that my husband likes to save, otherwise we would be in deep shit. 

Family and friends are the most important things in my life...without them I would have nothing. 

Live in the moment, not in the future or the past. 

Just keep swimming :)

I may not be able to control everything that happens, but I can control how I react to it. 

Trust my hunches and instincts. 

Don't be afraid to fail. At least I can say I tried.

Don't wait for things to happen, get out and make them happen!

Laugh as much as possible.

Time does not always heal...sometimes it is ok to feel pain and be sad. 

Don't ever let someone else tell you how or what to feel. 

Perfection does not exist and embrace your flaws. 

Some of my best memories came from the most foolish decisions. 

Life changes will be scary, but regret is so much scarier. 

Never chase love or affection, if it isn't given to you freely then it isnt worth having in the first place. 

You can never be overeducated. Learn as much as possible. 

Being a mom is the hardest and best thing I have ever done in my entire life. My kids are awesome. 

have faith.

Always be true to yourself. 

Enjoy the small things.

You only live once...so make it count. 

The only person controlling your happiness is you. 

Goodbyes are hard. 

Whoever said nothing tastes as good as skinny feels has clearly never had one of my homemade chocolate sheet cakes, but with that being said, MODERATION IS KEY! Eat your cake and then go run few miles or skip dinner for a couple of days. 

Here's to turning 30! 

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