Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Weekend

This weekend was busier than I expected it to be. My brother and sister in law came into town, and stayed with us until Sunday. It was a very nice visit, and I was able to do a little shopping with my sister in law, which is always fun. What girl doesnt like shopping? I attended the Bake-Off Saturday, but I didn't win. I had so much fun making the cake for the contest, so I feel like it was time well spent. We went to a birthday party on Sunday afternoon, and then we had our family dinner that evening. Yesterday seems to be a complete blur to me, and I think the time change is to blame. I am off tomorrow so I am hoping to get back into my normal cooking/baking routine. The kids are on spring break this week so we are going to spend some quality time together. I am looking forward to it very much. Today is the first day of Spring, and it is 57 degrees outside, not to mention it's pouring down rain. Anyways, I think that is enough of my rambling for now. Have a great afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. How fun does this sound!? I hope u won the bake off. The cake looks so delicious. I shared the recipe with my sister in law, so I hope u don't mind. We plan on baking cakes for a cake walk fundraiser for my youngest elementary school. Thank you for sharing.
    Anita from Kentucky
