Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Monthly Ritual

I have this thing, this one thing I do every month just for me. Most women get their nails done, or go to the spa, not me, I patiently wait for each of my favorite home magazines to hit the stands. I get as excited about these magazines as most women get about a new outfit. I'm a bit insane, I know. I wait until my kids are in bed, then I sit at the kitchen table and read each one, cover to cover. I study every picture, and always find inspiration. Looking at these magazines relax me, and bring me to a happy place. I love seeing what each month will bring to each issue. My favorite issues each year always see to be the June and October ones. Do you have a monthly ritual? What is something you do to help you relax? Have a great night everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, I am so with you. Love my magazines. Don't you just know when it is time for them to come? I am so sad when the mail comes and they aren't here!

    Hope you have a good weekend!

