Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back to School

Here in Oklahoma it's that time again, yep back to school! The kids will start school next Thursday and I am not prepared for this at all. I haven't bought school supplies or even thought of shopping for school clothes. The summer has gone by so quickly, it seems like only yesterday the kids had their last day of school and were preparing for their time off. Back to school means routines, full calendars, and no more sleeping in during the week. As much as I love a quiet house with no screaming children, I always miss summer vacation. Summer is our time to sleep in, lounge around, and do absolutely nothing if we dont wanna. I will also miss our spontaneous vacations, you cant exactly do that during the school year unless it's a holiday.

A new school year is also a reminder of how quickly my children are growing up, I am  the proud mother of a kindergartener, a 1st grader, a 3rd grader, and a 4th grader. I know what your are thinking. Where is the second grader? My husband and I skipped a year to mix things up a bit. Im kidding. I am always more nervous about the first day of school than they are. I worry the entire day until they get home from school and excitedly tell me about their day. It's very rewarding to watch your child learn, grow, and develop as a person through each year. For me, it is the most rewarding part of being a mother. I see the wonderful little people they are becoming and each year it amazes me. Are you ready for school to begin? Do you buy supplies and clothes early or do you procrastinate until the very last minute?

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