Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Reasons To Smile

Sometimes we have those days where we let the little things gone wrong get the best of us. We think because that one small thing went wrong....or several small things that our day has been ruined. Anyways today has been one of those days for me....nothing has gone right. I was hoping to be done with our kitchen remodel today, and well we aren't finished. I know poor me, right?  This is a problem many would love to have and with that being said, I quickly reminded myself of how blessed I am. I am frustrated because I can't cook in my almost remodeled kitchen, meanwhile, someone is trying to figure out how to pay for their next meal. So instead of being negative all day about something so ridiculous, I am making a list of the things that have made me smile lately. This list kind of puts life into perspective for me, and reminds me that I am one of the lucky ones.

1. Watching my girls play.
2. Seeing an elderly couple hold hands with one another.
3. Seeing how incredibly amazing each one of my children are in their own little way.
4. Watching my rottweiler run through the yard with the daschunds as if he is their size.
5. Feeling the cool crisp autumn air against my cheek.
6. Texts from my best friend
7. The birthday card Kristin made for Kaile .
8. My husband telling me how cute I am when I poke my bottom lip out and pout.
9. Knowing Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, is just around the corner.
10. Reminding myself that I have a wonderful family, in fact maybe even the best family.

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