Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Must Love Dogs

Isnt she cute? Lexi is our two year old german shephard and I adore her. She is a great addition to our family, along with the other three dogs we have. I love them. I have always been a dog lover, never fond of cats. We have four dogs because we have four children. One dog per child. Lol it makes perfect sense for us, maybe not so much for everyone else.

Michael Jackson has been with our family the longest, he is a three year old rotweiler/doberman mix. He is a biggggggggggg dog, but he thinks he is a yorkie. He will literally crawl into your lap or jump on you to give you a hug. He and I are kindred spirits. You can see his soul when you look into his eyes. I love him. He is the best dog anyone could ever ask for. I think large breeds get a bad rep, I have always been partial to them. Lexi and Michael are amazing with my kids. When they are playing in the back yard you will find these two right behind them.

I never imagined myself owning a small dog, especially a daschund, but then I found Buddy. Buddy is my buddy. He is the most loyal dog. I like coming home to his little wagging tail greeting me at the door. Buddy is so smart and inquisitive. He thinks he is a great dane.   If you are looking for your first dog, I would recommend a daschund. They do well in large homes and small dwellings. The interaction between him and the large dogs is surprisingly good. They all play very well together.

Last but not least, we have Abby, our 9 month old daschund. She is my baby girl. Abby can eat as much or more than any of the other dogs, but she only weighs 10 lbs. I love that she can hold her own with all the other dogs, and she definitely gives Buddy a run for his money. I am hoping to breed her in a couple of years. The puppies will be so cute. I love my dogs and feel like they are part of the family. Are you a cat or a dog person? What kind of pets do you have?

Two totally different breeds, yet they look so much alike?

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