Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Resolutions

Each year on New Year's Eve my family and I make a set of resolutions for ourselves. We typically follow through with them for about a month. This year I am trying to do things a little differently. I bought a responsibility chart for them to see the chore they are assigned for the week. They were actually excited about the idea. If they complete their chores there is a weekly reward. The reward is also listed on the chart. It has been going very well so far. 

I have set a few goals for myself in 2013. 

1. stop procrastinating! I wait until the last minute for almost everything.

2. start running again daily. I feel much better after running.

3. travel travel travel. 

4. keep a journal of daily events, memories, and important dates. This will be great to look over at the end of the year with Allen and the kids. 

5. finish all the projects started around the house.

What are your new year resolutions? 

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