Sunday, December 16, 2012

Our Sunday

Our Sunday has been wonderful. We woke up late then Allen and I made breakfast together for the kids. We havent made a large breakfast in a while. It was really nice. The later part of the morning was spent playing with the kids and dogs. Love them bunches. I made more cookies this afternoon. This time it was chocolate peanut butter globs. I have four left. I made twenty one. Tonight my mom and I cooked Sunday dinner together. Each Sunday we have more people around our dinner table than the previous week. I love it. Food has a way of bringing people together. I cannot say enough how nice it is to have all of my family together one day a week to just eat, talk about our week, and just be. I am so glad we started this tradition two years ago. This meal was particularly important after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. My heart goes out to all of those families who lost their children or loved ones. No one should ever have to deal with such tragedy. So many lives taken too early, they were just beginning. May God be with them to get through this difficult time. I always say to the kids " Guess what? " and they will say "What mom?" . I then say " I love you. " Then they tell me they already knew that so why do I keep telling them? I then tell them I will continue to say it each and every day even if they already know.  Kaile and Kristin kept asking about what happened? They asked why he chose first graders? All questions I dont have answers to. Kaile told me those kids were way too young to die. I agreed. I feel like a small piece of their innocence was taken away.

Parents hug your kids a little longer. Tell them you love them a few more times in a day. Hold them a little tighter. Kiss them even if they are embarrassed. Take a little more time to play with them. Let them be kids for as long as possible. I know I will. Goodnight and God bless you all.

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