Tuesday, April 2, 2013


A few days ago I was going through some old photographs and decided to share a few on the blog. My  daughter Hope will be 9 years old on Friday so I felt like this post was perfect for the occasion. I cannot say this enough TIME GOES BY SO QUICKLY. I mean really Where does it go? In the photo above she was only 4 years old. They look so tiny compared to now. Kristin was still in diapers and she is 6 years old now. It seems like only yesterday we were standing in that river waiting for my husband to take that picture. Crazy.

Anyone who has children knows what I am talking about. One moment you are bringing them home from the hospital, and the next they are leaving home. I am not to that point yet, Thank God. The teenage years will be here soon enough. I can remember all those sleep deprived nights and how I desperately wished they would end. Now I find myself sometimes wishing for them to be that small again.....but without the sleep deprivation. Sometimes I have to be reminded to stop, slow down, and just enjoy them. I will be the first to say being  a mother is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but it is so worth it. They are pretty incredible and to know I had a part in that makes me smile. The decision to have a child is to accept that your heart will forever walk outside your body.

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