Monday, May 13, 2013

Being Outdoors

Hello everyone! I am so happy to get back to the blogging world. I've missed you. These past couple of weeks have been crazy , but things are finally starting to slow down. Thank God. Lately, with all of this beautiful weather, we have enjoyed as much time outside as possible. My herb garden is finally finished and everything is growing like crazy. I love being able to walk outside and pick out whatever I need. My husband made the raised bed  for me last year, but this year it is finally getting put to good use. He started a huge garden for us this year. So far, we have enjoyed the green onions and leaf lettuce he planted.

We have also been doing some  much needed work to our flower beds. Last year the heat and my Melanoma diagnosis left them a bit neglected. Not this year. I have been planting, weeding, and watering them daily. I have a new respect for gardeners. It is lots of work but I know the end result will be worth it. Well it's bath time for the kids so time to go. Thank you so much for stopping by.

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