Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

This will be my last blog post until after the Thanksgiving holiday, so I would just like to say I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I will be spending the day with my family, and for that I am thankful. I have been thinking about the things I am thankful for, there are so many. I will be the first to admit these are things I often take for granted. Then I have to remind myself of just how blessed I am. So with that being said, I just wanted to blog about a few of the things I am most thankful for. What are you thankful for?

1. My kids. I don't think anyone knows what true love is until they have a child.

2. My husband.  He  saved my life not once, but twice. After having my last child, I didn't feel well and everyone else had left the hospital. Well he stayed there to make sure I got something to eat, but walked out to the nurse's station for a minute. He came back in and said I didn't look well, so he lifted my covers and I was bleeding out. The next thing I know there were nurses and staff everywhere. If he hadn't been there I would have died. Last year, he kept fussing at me to get my mole checked. I kept telling him it was no big deal, he said otherwise. Well in May after cancelling two other appointments, I finally went to shut him up. The next day my dermatologist called to tell me I had Malignant Melanoma. She then told me to tell my husband thank you, because if it would have been found any later, I probably would have died.

3. Our family and friends. I think we may have the best of both!

4. For my renewed sense of faith. There was a time in my life, a few years ago, that I got through each day just by the grace of God. Without faith, what do we really have?

5. For moments with my family. One of my favorite moments is that night before Thanksgiving. I will be cooking in my small kitchen with all the kids gathered around the kitchen table or gathered around me, just laughing and talking. Another is putting up our tree. We pick a day to do it, and make a day of it for that matter. We all hang ornaments, and then decorate the house for Christmas. It's perfect.

6. For all the gatherings at our house with the people we love. 2013 has been our biggest entertaining year yet. We have hosted so many different gatherings here this year, and each has been so much fun. Two of my most memorable would have to be my 30th birthday party, and then we hosted my family all week during the week my aunt Darla passed away. Her memorial dinner was held here, and it was so nice to have all my family here together just laughing and talking about childhood memories. Another I am looking forward to is my dad's 65th birthday party here in two weeks. Should be a great time and I wanted to make this special for my dad because this might be his last year to remember his birthday.

Happy Thanksgiving 2013!

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