Sunday, November 10, 2013


The week has been rough....and for most of it I have been cooped up inside the house. Friday night we were going to have a family night out, but it ended up being a night for me to stay at home in bed and just be, be alone in the peace and quiet. I didn't realize how much I needed that. Quiet can be so good sometimes. I never considered myself to be the type who enjoyed being alone, my typical philosophy is the more people at our house the better. Well after weeks of entertaining, hosting a memorial service at our house, and busy weekends I must say I am tired and being alone isn't so bad. Last night after a few texts from my best friend, we ended up getting all dolled up ( as she says) and going out for dinner and drinks. I really needed to get out of this house , and didn't realize how much until I actually got out. We talked, ate, drank, and laughed. I haven't laughed that much in a while. It felt good to be out with her like old times. We agreed to do it at least once a month. Dinner was followed by an impromptu trip to Starbucks, which let to a funny conversation with the barista. Let's just say you had to be there. Then after a text from my husband about our daschunds needing flea collars, off to Walmart we went. Sometimes a night out with a best friend is just what you need.

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