Monday, May 28, 2012

Random Thoughts

This post is a little different from the others I normally post on the blog, and a bit deeper as well. This weekend was a reminder from God of just how precious life really is, and we should take nothing for granted. The father of two of my children, Blake and Hope, lost his brother on Friday evening. He was only 34 years old, and left behind two young children and a wife. Death has a way of making you appreciate the people you love, and the simple things in life. Up until the moment that I found out, I had been complaining to my husband about how he was driving me crazy, and I was ready to pull my hair out because the kids wouldn't stop fighting. After I found out, I went to bed thanking God that I had children to drive me insane, and a husband to come home to. Life is unpredictable, messy, and wonderful, and there are certainly no guarantees.

The reality is my children will probably drive me nuts again tomorrow, and I will probably be yelling at my husband by the end of the night for not putting a plate in the dishwasher, but at the end of the day, they are my life and my world. I don't know what I would do if I didnt have any of them. My world would fall apart. God has a way of sneaking up on me to remind me of the important things in life, and for this, I am eternally grateful. We had our annual memorial day party yesterday, and I normally fuss and stress about making sure everything is perfect, the food, house, and decor, but yesterday I reminded myself that at the end of the night the only thing that will matter is the people I shared it with, and the memories. I dont think I ever look back and remember what type of flowers I used for the centerpiece, I  remember the moments and the laughs. I was reminded to stop worrying so much about all the little things, and just enjoy life and my family. You don't get a do over and you can't get a moment back. Time goes by too quickly and every once in a while, slow down and take time to appreciate it. Remember to laugh, and smile as often as possible.


  1. Beautiful post Sara and so true. All the things and details we stress about are trivial when you look at the big picture.
    So sorry to hear about your loss.

