Tuesday, June 26, 2012


It's been a few days since my last post, so I thought I would post an update about how everything has been going. I know this isn't a typical Sara's house post, but my house hasn't exactly been typical over the last two weeks. The last two weeks have been so crazy, I feel like I am having an outer body experience. I am expecting to wake up any minute now, oh wait, I AM AWAKE. We have been trying to keep things as normal as possible for the sake of our children. It's working pretty well. My surgery is Thursday, pet scan is Monday, and after that I am hoping for good news, and no more doctor visits for a while.

We went to Tulsa over the weekend to celebrate my husband's birthday. Friday afternoon we did some shopping and spent time with the kids. Friday evening we went out to dinner with my brother and sister in law. I had a couple of drinks and a lot of laughs. I haven't laughed like that in a while, I need to remind myself to laugh more and worry less. It works wonders for the soul. I need to not take myself so seriously. Saturday evening, my best friend came over and we went out for a night of more laughing and a drink. She and I have been best friends since fourth grade, we have been through everything together. I am discovering as I get older it is more important to me to find true friendships, true friends are so rare these days.

I feel as though God has been trying to teach me a lesson over the last year, and it took all of this to finally get me to listen. I am beginning to listen. I have taken so many moments for granted, and I am realizing I dont  get those back. In life, there is nothing for certain, except death. We are not gauranteed a tomorrow, so make the best of today. Enjoy the moment and live! Have faith. Spend time with your loved ones. Family is the most important thing, they will be the ones to pick you up when everything falls apart. Goodnight.

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